Frequently Asked Questions
Do You Offer Different Material Grades For A Variety Of Industrial Flanges?
That is a very good question. Many people who call us looking for flanges think that we offer flanges in only one type of material grade. In fact, we offer flanges in all material grades. The most popular material grades are made from carbon steel. We sell carbon steel pipe flanges and flanged fittings. We also supply stainless steel flanges that are used for a wide range of projects. Plate flanges can be ordered both waterworks and petrochemical applications. Bar flanges and forged spec flanges can also be made per the dimensions in our catalogue. Two other popular industrial flange material grades include titanium flanges and aluminum flanges. These industrial flanges are typically ordered for projects that require project managers to save on weight but maintain strength. You can find a full range of aluminum flanges and titanium flanges by contacting us here at Texas Flange. Many of the more recent projects we have been fulfilling call for flanges with a high level of corrosion resistance. The most popular industrial flange materials for these applications include inconel, incoloy, and hastalloy. These flanges are generally used in applications that involve high temperature surfaces. Another common request is one that requires flanges manufactured for low temperatures. Regular carbon flanges, along with high yield carbon flanges, are commonly used in modern pipe infrastructure, many now in low temperature applications. Call us Monday-Friday 8-5 PST 1-604-2718606, or e-mail us at info@Richcancorp.com anytime. We have the flanges you need.
How do I Inquiry a flange?
Quantity / Size (nominal pipe size) / Pressure Class (150-2500) / Facing (RF, FF, RTJ, ect.) / Type (WN, SO, Threaded, Blind, SW, LJ) / Bore (if SW or WN) / Material / Example 2EA 4” 300# RFWN STD 304
Do you sell Reducing Flanges? If so, why can’t I find dimensions for them?
Yes, we sell reducing flanges (WN, SW, SO, Thrd) with the hubs or made from blinds (in the cases of SO or Thrd). B16.5 gives rules for how we do the reductions, but to my knowledge nobody produces the cut sheets. If you consider the various combinations possible it would get quite lengthy. For reducing flanges with hubs, all dimensions except the Length Thru Hub (or OAL) come straight from the regular flange dimensions. From the larger size: OD, Thk, Bolt pattern, RF Dia From the smaller size: OD at base of hub OD at point of weld IF (dependent on schedule) Hub height Using abbreviations found in the catalog, here’s how you can calculate the OAL for a reducing weldneck: Hub height = L2 – thk [all dims per smaller size] LTH = Hub height + thk(of larger size) + face height As an example, for a 4” x 3” 600# RF Red WN XH, one would calculate the LTH as follows: Hub height = 3.25 – 1.25 = 2.00” LTH – 2.00 + 1.50 + 0.25 = 3.75”
How do I call out a Slip On Flange above 24”?
Depends entirely on what you are trying to accomplish. It you want a part that is automatically covered under ASME Code then forget the Slip-on ‘s and use a Weld Neck from B16.47 Series A or B. If you don’t need to meet code or can run the calculations for your application then the options open up: For the Standard 150# drilling we offer the “Class 125/ 150#” series. These are made per B16.1 which is a cast Iron Spec. We make them most often in Carbon Steel per A105. In addition we run them in Stainless 304 and 316 and all the other alloys too. Since the spec is for Cast Iron and the applications in industry usually call for another material these are made “per B16.1 Dimensions only.” There is also a much less commonly used Class 250 option. In addition there are 150#, 300#, 400#, 600#, 900# Slip-on’s that were designed by Tube Turns to match the MSS-SP-44 spec (which was almost 100% brought into ANSI B16.47 under Series A. These were designed to meet ASME Code under current revision but they were designed in prehistoric times so in many cases they do not meet current design criteria. Nevertheless they are used on a frequent enough basis that we stock the contoured forgings in A105 and do a decent amount of business getting the rolled rings to make them in other materials. Also we are asked to make Slip-on’s to match the B16.47 Series B dimensions. For this there is an agreed upon industry standard method that provides no calculations but has gained wide acceptance. The basic design includes cutting down the weld neck forging and opening the ID. Still more options remain as Taylor Forge designed many “Boiler Code” flanges that serve to add Slip-On options in various classes. These parts are drilled per their design and do not match any other standard. The classes offered are 75, 175, and 350. For the dated information on pressure temperature allowance see Taylor Forge Catalog 541 or contact us. Finally, the American Waterworks Association (AWWA) under their spec C207 has designs on a series of plate Slip-on flanges in Class B, D, E, and F. They also have hubbed slip-on’s in Class D and E.
What’s the difference between Series A and Series B?
The short answer is Series A tend to be larger, heavier, have fewer bolt holes, and cost more. The longer answer is these were competing specifications that where brought together in B16.47 as is put forth in a note from our catalog: ASME has incorporated most of the MSS-SP44 specification into B16.47 Series A and most of the API 605 Specification into B16.47 series B. They have also added Blinds to these two specs. You may note that these specs include only Weld Necks and Blinds. For Slip-On’s over 24” you must refer to either Industry Standard (which are not automatically covered by ASME) or Boiler Code Flanges. If you need help deciding which flange best suits your application feel free to contact us.
Do you provide expedited service? How much extra does it cost?
We have a joke around the office about the fellow who calls up and asks how much a flange costs. “Depends, which one of the 82 million different configurations do you need?” We do offer expedited service, but giving any kind of rule of thumb on cost is hard to do. It really comes down to what material is needed and which processes have to be interrupted or ran in overtime. Suffice to say, we will always trade sleep for money and can usually turn parts out in a much quicker manner than “standard lead time” if you need it. The one caveat to this is if it takes 5 hours to machine the part then the quickest we will ever be able to quote is 24 hours. With that in mind, please feel free to ask for the impossible and we’ll quote what we can.
Why doesn’t your catalog show API dimensions?
API doesn’t let us publish them in table format. For this reason, we pioneered the concept of the electronic slide rule for API flanges. Check it out here. What’s the difference between Sch40, True 40 and Sch40s in larger sizes? The industry standard is to specify “TRUE 40” to distinguish Sch40 bores from Std bores for 12” NPS and larger when the application calls for the heavier wall. The industry standard is to specify “TRUE 80” to distinguish Sch80 bores from XH bores for 10” NPS and larger when the application calls for the heavier wall. Normally, when “Sch80” and “Sch40” are used without any other qualifier such as wall thickness or ID, XH and Std bores (respectively) will be supplied. When Sch40 or 80 are specified followed by a “S” they are automatically assumed to refer to Std and XH respectively.